Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busy Busy life

Obviously it has been a while since I sat down with something to say! The girls and I had a great summer with my family in Washington State, travels home went smoothly, and school started back up with no trouble transitioning to a set schedule. C is a 5th grader now *cry*, and J turned 4 in October *cry some more*. Daddy returned home from his long deployment and we were able to enjoy a lot of family time together, though we didn't leave home much, we enjoyed it all the same!

We have been working on some minor pre-school learning things with J, and keeping C well rounded and learning how to balance after school activities with school work, and play. We had some struggles in that area, but we are working back up to it again.

It is nearly Thanksgiving again, and we are ready for all things holiday! I have been busy keeping the house tidy and decorated nicely to go along with the seasons, as well as knitting hats and mittens and lots of other fun things!

I am so thankful for all of the things in my life!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

It is a day to celebrate our country. It is a day I am bursting with pride for my husband who is serving our country overseas as I type this. I miss him with all of my heart, and I know my girls do too. We proudly wear our flag colors, and stand proud and silent with our hands over our hearts during the National Anthem this morning at the parade. This is an older photo of hubby while deployed, but always a good one!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring has sprung: a past due update!

Grass is greening up, flowers and trees are blooming, and I feel all my energy coming back!
I have started working out with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I love it!
My hubby is currently deployed, but we are plugging right on along with the daily stuff, missing him of course!
The girls are growing so fast. C will be 10 in a matter or weeks. J is learning things right and left, can spell her name for you out loud, and loves make believe play.
I have been knitting and crocheting lots of things through the winter, but now that spring is here, I know my projects will become more colorful and varied. I am also itching to get some sewing projects done for the girls, and even one for myself!

I hope you are all doing as well as we are around here!